Alicia Kwon
Empowering your Inner Child & your Inner Sage
Empowering your Inner Child & your Inner Sage
Forgiveness is the way to freedom. It makes you unmanipulatable and returns you to joy. A Lovolution of Kindness is a gift for the all that we are. I am here to help you empower your greatest love and light in the darkest of times, as well when the darkness eases and with greater ease we rebuild into the new, highest realities. I help parents and lightworkers uncondition their lives so they can birth their highest lives in freedom, love, authentic joyful sovereignty and peace, even amidst life's greatest storms and challenges. I work with a select number of individual clients and offer supportive classes at unicornacademy.thinkific.com
My premise is simple: Awesome people = awesome planet. Awesome news is simply you, expressed skillfully.
Awesome people are connected to to key aspects of themselves that allow their authentic self to shine:
Inner Child
Inner Sage
When both are healthy and work as one coin with two sides, we are able to express our innate goodness into the world with skill and joy!
Awesome People = Awesome World.
An an awesome world is created by awesome people. Awesomeness is your innate essence, expressed skillfully for your highest good, in ways are aligned with your unique contribution to Mother Earth and Humanity at this important juncture in time.
True awesomeness is authentic. I once had a conversation with a young "woke" scientist about the problem with Yoda and Anakin Skywalker: Yoda basically teaches to bypass is emotional life instead of processing his feelings in a healthy, safe way. I said, "Imagine how Anakin might have turned out if he was helped to process his grief and rage instead of being told just not to let his feelings get the better of him - and to fear them." My scientist friend looked amused and said, "Yes, but if Anakin had been taught to process his emotions in a healthy way, Disney would not have made a truckload of money off the sequels." Hmmmm. Yes. We are talking about exploration, acceptance, upgrades, empowerment and expression - not bypassing self-honesty or needless repressing our genuine inner experience. Being authentic is the key to getting back to our innocent, happy, empowered aspects. Then we just have to get good expressing them skillfully in ways that meet each situation! And it turns out that helpful our kids with that whole process is pretty much our most important task when we parent!
Imagine if key people in each "zone" of life were aligned with their inner awesomeness and skillful at harnessing it with the innocence of a child who believes in the "I'm possible" and the wisdom of a sage?
Are you ready, willing and able to answer the urgent call to become your awesome self and to help your child(ren) or others in your sphere of influence do the same?
We are here!
Our time is now.
We are here and your role has never had higher stakes or been more important, which is why it is crucial you don't take yourself too seriously. So lighten up, there is no time to waste!
Awesomeness is who you really are, expressed skillfully. Awesome & Authentic parenting - or Awesome and authentic humaning, as the case may be - is your most important life task. On it hinges everything else you become, experience and contribute as your legacy of love.
We are here and your role has never had higher stakes or been more important, which is why it is crucial you don't take yourself too seriously. So lighten up, there is no time to waste!
"Let's imagine"
It's a game for children. That includes me, and you.
We all have within us an innocent inner child and a wise inner sage.
Imagine that you no longer have to be a boring adult, or a person endlessly burdened by the expectation of others. Instead you can be both spontaneously inspired - and inspiring - PLAYFUL, JOYFUL, FREE-SPIRITED - and capable of being respons-able because of cultivating your inner stillpoint where your inner sage resides, gifting you with the equanimity to make more aligned choices, more of the time, and to forgive yourself when you don't, free of shame, yet with deep dedication to improvement?
We live in important, & urgent times. Times that call for our awesomeness and our authenticity as never before. Times that call us to raise a generation of young people with their awesomeness and authenticity online and ready to go.
The wonderful news is that all that is required is to help your child express their pure essence, skillfully while in a body. That is no small task, but it's a clear one, and you are in the right place to get the skills, support, love, tools and empowerment to dive into the most important work of your lifetime. Becoming an awesome and authentic parent starts with reclaiming and cultivating your own awesome, authentic self. Helping your child get good at being "them" skillfully gets a lot easier when you get good at being "you" skillfully!
Why does getting good at being "you" and helping your child get good at being "them" matter SO SO MUCH?
By now you know my basic premise: Awesome people, Awesome Planet.
The truth is you are awesome.
You may not always feel it.
Your kids are also awesome.
They may not always feel it either.
Getting good at being who you really are is about removing the blockages and distractions that keep us from our own awesomeness.
Forgiveness plays a huge role in revealing the awesomeness that ha always been our birthright.
And there are more advantages to approaching parenting from a alchemical perspective: when we transmute our pain and undo the patterns holding it there, we get to a "zero" point of stillness where we can create new dynamics that honor and celebrate who we are and who are children are. We also have loads more peace AND energy - both absolutely essential to become the parents our kids need and to fulfill our full purpose in life.
Often we associate authenticity with our vulnerability, and that is an important dimension of being truthful with ourselves and others, but there is so much more to our authentic self-expression as individuals and as moms and dads!
Our authenticity too often is associated with the coping mechanisms and dysfunctional strategies we use to protect our wounds. In in reality, those very understandable coping strategies often turn into false identities that keep us stuck being who we are not because we think it's who we are. I call that a FIRT: False identity running things!
It takes a special kind of parent to raise (awesome) humans. Someone like you. Awesome humans are not the easiest to raise. Often they are the hardest. They cannot be forced or coerced. They are sensitive. They are powerful. They are here to create a world where all people flourish in harmony, by being their authentic selves.
If you're ready to take back the wheel from those FIRTS, you're in the right place to become who you really are. Because that's the only way to help your child see that it is safe and viable to be who they really are. And the world needs you, and your kids in your awesomeness. Awesomeness is who you are! It's that simple.
I provide safe and fun containers for access your inner child and inner sage and to become more skillful in the expression of innately awesome u-nique human being that you are! I help you integrate the inner child and inner child to birth you inner leader. I also help you remove obstacles and transmute whatever keeps you from embodying awesomeness as a person and as a parent.
My online and in person offerings are highly potent spaces for play and transformation. I help you transmute old energies into new more uplifting ones that reflect your true awesomeness. When you are in touch with your own awesomeness, you can easily parent the awesome in your child to become more skillful and to be resilient in the face of whatever life presents!
I want to see your awesomeness unleashed, your joy inspired and set loose, your obstacles cleared, your wounds healed and your spirit set free to roam the earth living your mission in a fully empowered way by birthing your authentic self so that you can do this for your kid(s), so they can create an awesome world for all who call earth home.